Rise and Shine, it's morning time... (my little morning song I sing to her)
Why in the WORLD are u taking pictures THIS early in the morning!??!?
This is the FIRST time SINCE Pre-K that I have had to buy NEW UNIFORMS!!
Brushing Teeth.
The backpack.
I thought Saylor would have an excellent FIRST DAY of SECOND GRADE....she didn't DREAD the first day of school AT ALL! AND... ALL went well UNTIL she got in Maw Maw's vehicle when she picked her up from school that afternoon. Maw Maw asked, how the first day went? And the teacher replied, she survived! After leaving school, Saylor BROKE DOWN in tears, crying hysterically but wouldn't tell Maw Maw... WHY or WHAT HAPPENED??? So, she called me immediately and I couldn't understand a word Saylor was trying to say between all the crying! It KILLED me that I couldn't be there to console her and hug her and tell her everything was going to be alright! After about 15 minutes of coaxing via the PHONE I finally found out the problem! As it turns out, she went to the WRONG place in the evening, she went to the EXTENDED DAY line instead of the CAR POOL line. Her teacher came looking for her and found her in the WRONG PLACE...and asked her WHY?? Why did she go to extended day? She just KNEW her teacher was MAD at her. Saylor is very tender-hearted child and wears her feelings on her shoulders! Any SLIGHT little change of voice or disappointment from her teacher is SURELY to send her into a tizzy! I know her teacher didn't say anything mean to her or in a harsh tone, but its just the way Saylor is - VERY tenderhearted. I just KNEW surely going to school the next day would be a bear! But I was wrong! She didn't skip a beat! Off she went...and she hasn't looked back yet! My baby girl is ALL GROWN UP!! :(