Monday, June 9, 2008

TOOO CLOSE for comfort!

Let me just begin BY saying....CHANDLER nearly DROWNED yesterday!! I still can't stop thinking about it!! That BOY is SOMETHING else!! Although, he is taking swimming lessons at daycare....AND....we swim in our pool often....BUT I learned FIRST HAND this weekend, THAT you DEFINITELY can't take your eyes off of him ONE SECOND!! He always swims WITH FLOATIES ON, BUT apparently he HAS built up enough confidence to jump in the pool WITHOUT FLOATIES!! Fortunately, I WAS in the pool vacuuming at the time and heard the KURPLUNK!!! I turn around only to see him sinking down in the water -- I FLEW over there and pulled him out...and HE DIDN'T even choke or spit up any water....I guess he has learned to hold his breath too! BUT STILL...a very frightening situation FOR the BOTH of us, AND had I not been paying attention...and turned around to see what the splash was -- it could have ended a lot worst!! After that, I had a LONG talk with him about wearing floaties and jumping into pools! Hopefully, he understands NOW....BUT...AT any rate you CAN never BE too CAREFUL!! WHEW!!!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Oh no Chan man...
Water freaks me out too. We took Allie to the in-laws house to swim Saturday and I watched her like a hawk. Can't be too careful. I'm scared she will run and fall and hit her head and then fall in the pool.
But she LOVES to swim!

Glad he is ok:)