Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fishing on the Fourth

This past Fourth of July weekend was GREAT!!! Spending quality time with family is the BEST thing in the world! We went down to my dad's camp in Venice, Louisiana and took a couple of fishing trips! The first TRIP was just Brian, Saylor, Chandler and myself in my dad's bay boat. We went out of Tiger Pass to the rocks where Saylor caught her BIGGEST REDFISH ever!!! Chandler preferred to munch down on GOOOREETOS (as he calls them) but threw in a little fishing here and there - He hasn't caught his FIRST FISH yet, but we are working on that! Another thing the kids really enjoyed doing this past weekend was swimming in the cheap $9.99 pool I bought them from the Family Dollar in Port Sulphur. THE BEST 10 bucks I have spent in AWHILE!! PURE CHEAP entertainment for HOURS! Until the side seam SPLIT....AND we had to DUCK TAPE it back together --- THAT was a REAL pretty sight!! I should have gotten a picture of THAT! I was too busy scrambling to try and keep the water in the pool!!
The next day we ALL went out on Paw Paw Iddo's big 54 ft. Donzi boat -- The crew included: Paw Paw Iddo, Maw Maw Jenny, Pa Pa Don, Mi Mi, Uncle Mike, Saylor, Chandler, Brian and myself. We headed 18 miles off shore to some rigs to try and catch some lemon fish....we DIDN'T catch any lemons but ended up catching some Red Snapper! Saylor even got to steer the boat!
A couple of times the weather looked like it was going to get REALLY BAD....but it didn't, just a light mist as it moved along. We did see something pretty scary but amazing.....a couple of water spouts developed around the waters near us. They never really got THAT CLOSE to us! But it was cool to see them form and dissipate in MID-AIR! Mother Nature at HER FINEST! The weather cleared up and it was SUNNY and HOT the rest of the day!

I think this was the FIRST year we DIDN'T pop any fireworks for the FOURTH!! BUT, we surely did RELAX and have a good time! Maybe, NEXT YEAR we'll have to do this again for the FOURTH OF JULY!

Happy Birthday America!!

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